We all can do our best to eat as healthy as we possibly can, but there are still important vitamins and minerals that you need with age that aren’t available in our food sources.

WATER–As we age, our bodies lose some of it’s ability to regulate fluid levels and our sense of thirst may not be as sharp.  This makes those over 50 years of age more prone to dehydration.  Post a note in your kitchen reminding you to sip water every hour and with meals to avoid urinary tract infections, constipation, and even confusion.  During your busy days out and about, bring a water bottle with you in your car.  Remember to drink at least 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water every day!

VITAMIN B–After 50, your stomach produces less gastric acid making it difficult to absorb vitamin B-12 which is needed to help keep blood and nerves vital.  Get the recommended daily intake (2.4 mcg) of B12 from fortified foots or a vitamin supplement.

VITAMIN D–Although we get most of our vitamin D intake through sun exposure and certain foods like fatty fish, egg, yolk, and fortified milk, it may be necessary to get your Vitamin D through supplementation.  With age, your skin is less efficient at synthesizing vitamin D.  Vitamin D is essential to absorbing calcium and boosting muscles.  And, for those living in the northern part of the country, our winters are long and sun exposure limited.   Consult your doctor about supplementing your diet with fortified foods or a multivitamin, especially if you’re obese or have limited sun exposure.


In addition to supplementation to your diet, eating more fiber does so much more than keep you regular!  It can lower your risk for heart disease, stroke and diabetes, improve the health of your skin, help you lose weight, and boost your immune system and overall health.  As you age, your digestion becomes less efficient, so it’s important to include enough fiber in your diet.  Women over 50 should aim to eat at least 21 grams of fiber per day, men over 50 at least 30 grams a day.  Unfortunately, most of us aren’t getting even half of these amounts!

Good sources of fiber include whole grains, barley, oatmeal, beans, nuts, vegetables such as carrots, celery and tomatoes.  Fruits sources of fiber include apples, berries, citrus fruits, and pears.  Another great reason to add more fruits and vegetables to your diet.

I hope you enjoyed our Eating Well as You Age weekly blog.  Eating healthy is a journey, and even if you take small baby steps with the simple suggestions that we have made, it will lead to a healthier, more energetic, and a more vibrant you!

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