Eating Well as You Age – Part 2

How Many Calories Do Adults Over 50 Really Need?

Everyone knows that calories are a big factor in staying fit and healthy. And, unfortunately, as we age, our metabolism decreases so we burn less calories. Exercising on a regular basis will increase your metabolism at any age.

How many calories do you need? Use this as your guideline:

A woman over 50 who is:

*Not physically active needs about 1600 calories a day

*Somewhat physically active needs about 1800 calories a day

*Very active needs about 2000 calories a day

A man over 50 who is:

*Not physically active needs about 2000 calories a day

*Somewhat physically active needs about 2200-2400 calories a day

*Very active needs about 2400-2800 calories a day

Source: National Institute of Aging

While you journey to healthier eating, try to drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water every day, and drinkĀ even more water if you are very active and exercise regularly. This will help you to stay hydrated, lessen fatigue, and help you to maintain your current body weight.

Remember, balanced nutrition is more than calorie counting. There are many other aspects to creating a nutritious lifestyle.

Part Three…Learn WHAT healthy foods you should CHOOSE to eat as you age for creating a nutritious lifestyle.

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